With a focus on providing Access, Education, and driving Commerce, the Urban Tech Fair, a 30 day interactive community based cloud and ground experience, brings urban dwellers ages 12-55 together around underserved communities to demonstrate what is possible through technology and collaboration by leveraging local resources, talent, and innovation, aka the Silicon Valleys that exist in our OWN backyards.

The Urban Tech Fair is the brainchild of Software Developer, Publisher, and Blogger Jim Neusom, more commonly known as the Digital Drummer. UTF merges his community and small business advocacy, wealth of connections, and technology experience into purpose and outcome driven activity. Marketing Strategist Jacqueline Taylor-Adams brings definition, clarity, and strategy to the vision as Chairperson and CMO. Collaboration with national technology associations, business organizations, and local community groups allows the Urban Tech Fair to effectively promote Access, Education, and drive Commerce via these urban tech fairs.
a global multiple city tour of grassroots community based events managed through neighborhood organizing committees made of community stakeholders: organizations (non-profit, etc), public servants, businesses, technologists, and individual volunteers
30 day cloud and ground experiences launched from within local neighborhoods branching out city and county wide that features...
virtual resource center portals launched week 1
free access UTF wi-fi clouds within neighborhood commercial corridors launched week 1
week 3 - three day intensive virtual expos
week 4 - seven (7) day ground technology and community showcase feat. UTF 3 Day Tech Challenge, S.T.E.M. Family Day, and a host of workshops, seminars, and special events

Each Urban Tech Fair city and region develops programming within the following tracks:
MEDIA: Publishing / Journalism / Radio / TV / Video / Print - Digital / RSS Feeds
FINANCE: Investing / CrowdFunding / Banking / IT
Community Building / Activism / Mobilizing
Business / Education / Digital Literacy / Jobs / Job Fair
Healthcare / Fitness & Wellness / Assistive Technologies / Mobile Computing / Cloud Computing
Gamification / F.F.A.M.E. (Fashion, Film, Art, Music, EduTainment)
S.T.E.M. It's A Family Affair
Technology and Spirituality