Monique Berry
Craig Brown, Ph.D.

W. Lazone Gray
is the official radio program of the Urban Tech Fair. From blog to radio, Blacks and people of color in Technology to the latest tech trends and strategies for the purpose of implementation to empower our communities, Jim Neusom brings to conversation some of the awesome, interesting, historical, and down right technical digital information he drums online along with co-host Jacqueline Taylor-Adams every other Sunday.
ROGER MADISON, CEO of well-known unapologetically Black network and iZania Market Deals and Business Strategist SHIMON WARDEN, CEO/COO of SAIF Consultancy are beating the drum...

Roger Madison

Norm Bond & Serenity aka TDB

Beating the drum today are travel expert and author KIRATIANA FREELON and creative writer, journalist, and media strategist KWAN BOOTH! Check out their ebooks, Kiratiana's Travel Guides: Get Lost and Get Found, to Black Paris and Multicultural London, KWAN's anthology BLACK FUTURISTS SPEAK.
BONNIE SANDY is the new Co-Host for THE DIGITAL DRUMMER!!! Learn more about Bonnie at
Special guest tonight is WAYNE HICKS, Executive Director for the BDPA Education & Technology Foundation!
Beating the beat today is JAYMES HINES, Founder/CEO of Hines Media Group and creator and producer of EDUTECH SUMMIT which is tonight's topic.
Monique Berry and Craig Brown, PhD , President and Vice President of BDPA will drum us into enticing banter about the history of Blacks in Tech and the BDPA (Black Data Processing Association)! Welcome to Part 1 of our 2013 Black History Edition.
NORM BOND of Norm Bond & Associates, an international authority on marketing, sales, corporate diversity and multicultural issues and SERENITY aka-TDB entertainment industry mogul, activist, motivational speaker, Radio Sales Rep and Spokesperson for LGBT shares the mic, too.
Mike Green

Kiratiana Freelon &
Kwan Booth

Wayne Hicks

Tech Diversity Advocate and Technology Adoption Consultant

Kwasi Asare &
Cynthia Renee Frazier


Roger Madison & Shimon Warden

ROGER MADISON, CEO of well-know unapologetically Black network and iZania Market Deals and Business Strategist SHIMON WARDEN, CEO/COO of SAIF Consultancy will be beating the drum
Vickens Moscova

How does a model and actor turn marketing and social media strategist and what does technology have to do with it? Beating the drum is VICKENS MOSCOVA marketing and social media strategist, talent booker, model, actor.

Mark Hampton
EVERYONE NEEDS TECH... Beating the drum today are tech entrepreneur MARK HAMPTON, President at Hampton Technology Resources, a Recruiting / Staffing Services and Business Resource company.

Mike Dennis Hershel Daniels & Bill Huston

CITY SHOUT SERIES...Beating the beat today are filmmaker and entrepreneur MIKE DENNIS and from the MidEast the OKI URBAN TECH FAIR TEAM! Led by Hershel Daniels and Bill Huston. Ohio, Kansas, and Indianapolis unite to create the first regional URBAN TECH FAIR.

Kelvin Thom
Ted Harge

Beating the drum today is Kelvin Thom of Digistar Solutions and Facebook's Black Professionals Network and Ted Harge of the Mighty People Network.
Two dynamic guests: KWASI ASARE, CEO of Fighter Interactive which builds celebrity/brand and GIRLS GOT GEEK CEO, CYNTHIA RENEE FRAZIER!

Bonnie Bracey Sutton
Beating the drum today is the one and only BONNIE BRACEY SUTTON, Founder/Executive Director, The Power of US Foundation and the Education Czar for the Urban Tech Fair! Engage discussions on the importance of STEM education, opportunities, advocacy, how to engage, Blacks in STEM and more.
Beating the beat today are Internet and Local Business Marketer KELVIN BROWN and President and Creative Director of NBS Management and Black Magic Studios HASSAN SHAREEF who also is the City Organizer for the New York City Urban Tech Fair.
Beating the beat today is Afro Geek, The Guru of Open Source Software, KEN WYRICK. Be captivated by Ken as he shares his passion for providing people with affordable options to proprietary software!

2013 Consumer
Electronics Show
Today's beat: 2013 Consumer Electronics Show (CES)! From 3D printers to leveraging mobile platforms, listen in as Jim Neusom, The Digital Drummer, gives a blow by blow report about what was hot at 2013 CES.

Jim Neusom &
Jaymes Hines

Special guest, entrepreneur and technologist Jaymes Hines of Hines Media Group and

Meet Jim Neusom!
elcome to our first show!!! Yes, you heard it right. As part of The Urban Tech Fair, Live Fandom Media Network presents The Digital Drummer, Jim Neusom!
urban tech talk

Beating the drum today are Jim Neusom, Jacqueline Taylor-Adams and Cynthia Frazier with Urban Tech Fair talk. Learn a little S.EA.R.C.H. and S.I.N., about the 3rd screen / the new tv, Girls Got Geek, and WHY you should Get Involved with the Urban Tech Fair!
Beating the beat today is Jim Neusom, The Digital Drummer and Jacqueline Taylor-Adams. What exactly is the Urban Tech Fair? Paint us a picture and connect the dots. Call In (646) 716-7994. Ask all the questions you want. Find out how to become a City Organizer for your city.